Frequently Asked Questions | Procomer



What is PROCOMER's corporate identification number?
PROCOMER's corporate ID number is 3-007-196350.
How can I become a PROCOMER provider?
Any company interested in becoming a provider must register with SICOP.
Where can I send my resume to be a part of your team?
To be a part of the PROCOMER team, please send your resume to:


What steps do I need to take to be an exporter?
All exports are different, and for that reason we recommend that you contact us at the Foreign Commerce Assessment Center (CACEX), a division of PROCOMER where you can find all the information that you need, with a step-by-step process for the exportation procedure. Write to us at and we will be happy to give you details according to your product and your exportation destination.
What products can I export?
At PROCOMER we have performed a series of studies in which we have detected commercial opportunities in different markets. We invite you to read this information at this link. Additionally, you may find more information in our Statistics Yearbook and at theCosta Rican Foreign Commerce Statistics Portal.
What products does Costa Rica import and export?
Statistics related to Costa Rican exportation and importation are available at our statistics portal, which you can find here. Using this tool, you can consult information according to your informational needs and receive a complete and immediate answer: The most important characteristics of our statistics portal are:
• We have kept exports data since 1998.
• We have kept imports data since 2007.
• We have data regarding value and volume (weight) exported and imported.
    o Region of destination or origin
    o Country of destination or origin
    o Sector.
    o Exportation or importation regime
    o Tariff classification: capital (2 digits), divided (4 digits), sub-divided (6 digits), and national subdivision (10 digits).
    o Description of product.
• You can find information by annual, quarterly, or monthly periods.
• You can generate Excel or PDF files with the selected data.
• You can generate charts
• We have instructions for users.
What do I have to do to register as an exporter?
To see this information you can enter this link.
What bank accounts does PROCOMER have?
In this link you can see all of the PROCOMER bank accounts.
What is SIVUCE-TICA, and what can I do to get it?
Check our Users' Guide for making requests at the Integrated Single Window for Foreign Commerce System, for Exportations (SIVUCE TICA)or you can communicate with our Single Window Department at 2505-4811 to receive training for the system.
Which permits do I need in order to export my product from Costa Rica?
The Ministry of the Interior has made an online consultation system available where you can find technical notes (permits) for exportation and importation in Costa Rica. To find this tool, click on the following link Sistema TICA.
What are technical notes?
They are non-tariff regulations or permits that control the exportation and importation of merchandise (products) in Costa Rica.
What is a tariff classification?
It is an international-level standardized code number assigned to each type of merchandise (product). This code is important because it allows a standardization of the international language in terms of product knowledge, and with this code one can determine the requisites and procedures that regulate the products for their exportation and importation, tariffs, benefits from free trade agreements, and statistical information.
What is my product’s tariff classification?
To determine the tariff classification for the product you wish to export or import, you may use the following tools:
• General Directorate of Customs in the Technical Department of Customs
• The customs agency of your choice.
• • Consult electronically at the Ministry of the Interior’s website, specifically at TICA System.
You should at least know the chapter of the Tariff System in which your products are located, in order to find a range. Of the above tools, we most recommend the General Directorate of Customs, since it is the official entity in our country in terms of tariff classifications.
What requisites do I need to comply with for my product to enter a specific country?
It is important for us to get to know your product and the destination country that you would like to export it to, so that we can help orient you. As such, we would ask you to send us the following information by email to
• Name and description of the product.
• Tariff classification of the product.
• Country of destination.
Which products are subject to exportation tax payments?
In Costa Rica only coffee, bananas, and live cattle are subject to the payment of the exportation tax.
Legal basis:
• Coffee: Tax levied through Law number 2762, article 108.
• Banana: Tax stipulated in Executive Decree 35825-MEIC-MAG-COMEX and in Laws number 5515 and 4895.
• Live cattle: Tax covered in Law number 7837
INCOTERMS are International Commerce Terms, and their objective is to facilitate global commerce. To learn more details about this topic, please click on this link.
Which countries import a specific product?
To learn more information about global statistics, the International Commerce Center has made an online database available; there you can find information about the amounts imported by country or by product, on the global level. Visit our Trade Map site for more information.
With which countries do we have existing free trade agreements?
Our country currently has 13 free trade agreements in effect with the following countries or commercial blocks: Central America, Canada, CARICOM, Chile, China, The Dominican Republic-Central America-USA (CAFTA-DR), Mexico, Panama, The Dominican Republic, Peru, Singapore, The Association Agreement Between Central America and the European Union (AACUE), and The European Association of Free Commerce (AELC). Learn more information at this link.
What is a certificate of origin?
A certificate of origin is a document through which an exported piece of merchandise (product) is certified to come from a country, according to negotiated rules, between partner countries in commercial agreements. By presenting this document, the importer in the destination country may request that preferential tariff treatment be given to the product. For more information about this topic, please click on the following link.

International Buyer

How can I contact export companies in Costa Rica?
PROCOMER has Trade Promotion Offices abroad that provide a variety of services for buyers interested in Costa Rica products.
With which countries does Costa Rica currently have free trade agreements?
For a complete list of existing free trade agreements with Costa Rica, visit the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Trade.
What type of agreements does Costa Rica have in place to avoid double taxation?
For a complete list of existing double taxation treaties in Costa Rica, visit the official website of the Ministry of Finances.
What products does Costa Rica export?
Costa Rican import, and export, statistics can be found on our website, where any specific questions or requests for information will be addressed immediately. For further information regarding products trade partners you may also consult the statistical yearbook.


What incentives does Costa Rica have to offer to attract investments?
The Free Trade Zone Regime (RZF, based on its initials in Spanish) is the pillar of the export and investment promotion strategy in Costa Rica. It consists of a series of incentives, including tax breaks, and benefits that the Costa Rican government offers companies interested in making new investments in the country.
How can a company apply for the free trade zone or refundable duties regime?
Companies that would like to operate under one of these two systems must comply with a series of requirements. For further details, consult the Special Regimes section.
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